Student Organizations Travel Planning Checklist

What is Travel?

Travel is any student organization event that involves carpooling as a form of transportation outside the city limits of Eau Claire. Orgs taking shared transportation (i.e. rented vans, personal vehicles, buses, airplanes, trains, etc.) is travel. Org events where all participants get to a destination while walking or driving on their own is not a travel event.

Because travel has unique inherent risks, processes are in place to help students reduce and better understand those risks. This webpage is an effort to streamline that process and make it easy to follow.

If you know that your group is going to travel or ride share at any point during the semester, it's best that your drivers begin the driver authorization process at least 4 weeks prior to the trip. Drivers must be authorized once per academic year.

  1. 1

    Complete the Travel Request Form

    The purpose of this form is to gather information about your trip, support you in getting all necessary documentation together, aid in proper reimbursement of your trip, and ensure the safety of your organization while you travel.

  2. 2

    Wait for approval by your advisor and the Activities, Involvement, and Leadership office.

    The form needs approval from your organization's advisor and the AIL office in order to be approved for travel.

  3. 3

    If you plan to use Segregated Fee Funding, be sure to set up a meeting with Stephanie Pyykola

    To set up a meeting, email her at with some times that one (or more) of your organization's officers are available to meet.

  4. 4

    Once your form is approved by all necessary offices and individuals, ensure you have all other legally necessary materials

    Your organization will likely need to have one or more individuals approved to drive through Driver Authorization. If you are travelling internationally, each individual attending needs to have International Travel Insurance.

Everything your organization needs to travel:

Travel Request Form Approval

Your Travel Request Form must be approved by all parties involved in the approval process in order to travel as an organization.

Driver Authorization

Any person driving others for University business must obtain driver authorization to do so, even if taking a personal vehicle.

International Travel Insurance

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Other Travel Guidelines

Click on "Other Travel Guidelines" above for videos and other resources for travelling with your organization.