Student Organization Travel Planning Checklist

What is Student Organization Travel?

"Travel" is defined as any student organization event that involves carpooling as a form of transportation outside the city limits of Eau Claire. Student organizations taking shared transportation (i.e. rented vans, personal vehicles, buses, airplanes, trains, etc.) is considered to be "travel." When participants of a student organization event reach a destination by walking or driving on their own, it does not qualify as "travel" in the context of University policies.

Recognizing the unique risks associated with student organization travel, specific processes have been established to help your members minimize potential dangers and gain a better understanding of them. The purpose of this webpage is to simplify and streamline these processes, making them easy for students to follow and ensuring their safety during travel-related activities.

If your student organization plans to travel or use ride-sharing at any point during the semester, it is important for drivers to start the driver authorization process well in advance—ideally at least four weeks before the trip. This authorization is required annually, meaning drivers need to complete it once per academic year to ensure they are permitted to drive for student organization activities. The early initiation of this process helps prevent last-minute complications and ensures that all drivers meet the necessary safety and eligibility requirements before the trip takes place.

Student and out-of-state driver authorizations expire annually on May 31. Authorizations submitted between March 1 and May 31 will extend into the next calendar year (June 1 - May 31).

  1. 1

    Complete the Travel Request Form

    The purpose of this form is to gather information about your trip, support you in obtaining all necessary documentation, aid in efficient reimbursement of your trip, and ensure the safety of your student organization while you travel.

  2. 2

    Wait for approval by your advisor and the Activities, Involvement, and Leadership office.

    Approval from your organization advisor and the Activities, Involvement, and Leadership office must be obtained before you can be approved for travel.

  3. 3

    If you plan to use your Segregated Fee Funding allocation, you'll need to set up a meeting with Stephanie Pyykola (Student Senate Program Manager)

    To set up a meeting, email Stephanie at with varying time options where one (or more) of your student organization's officers are available to meet.

  4. 4

    After the Travel Request Form is approved by the necessary offices and individuals, the next step is to gather and ensure you have all other legally required materials. This could include:

    Driver authorization documentation: Ensuring that all drivers have completed the necessary authorization process.

    Insurance documentation: Proof of insurance for both drivers and vehicles being used for the trip.

    Consent and waiver forms: Signed by all participants to acknowledge risks and release the organization from certain liabilities.

    Emergency contact information: A list of emergency contacts for all participants.

    Vehicle registration: Ensuring that the vehicle being used is properly registered and meets all safety standards.

    Travel itinerary: A detailed itinerary that includes routes, destinations, and planned stops.

    These materials are crucial for ensuring that the trip complies with legal and institutional requirements, helping to protect both the participants and the student organization.

Everything your student organization needs to travel:

Travel Request Form Approval

Your Travel Request Form must be approved by all parties involved in the approval process in order to travel as an organization.

Driver Authorization

Any person driving others for University business must obtain driver authorization to do so, even if taking a personal vehicle.

International Travel Insurance

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Other Travel Guidelines

Click on "Other Travel Guidelines" above for videos and other resources for travelling with your organization.