Monthly Success Planner

Below you can find a month to month planner for your Student Organization!

  • August

    • Check mailbox bin & locker in Student Organizations and Leadership Center
    • Meet with officers to discuss yearly goals and recruiting strategies
    • Meet with your Org advisor to review expectations of each other
    • Check org e-mail account status (if you have one housed through LTS)
      • NEW - you can now use you Blugold Connect+ group email for all of your organizations' correspondence!
    • Agree on a regular meeting time and schedule all meetings
    • Ensure you are registered & prepped for Blu's Organizations Bash (if participating)
    • Watch for Student Org Bi-Weekly Newsletter via Blugold Connect+ (all officers recieve direct email)
  • September

    • Participate in the Fall's Blu's Organizations Bash event
      • Log into you Blugold Connect+ group page to complete the Annual Student Organization Re-Registartion form
      • All org Presidents MUST attend the mandatory Student Org Leaders Nuts & Bolts Training (additional officers encouraged to attend) (held late Sept. or early Oct.)
      • All student org Presidents are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to participate/attend a Blugold Connect+ Basics Session (additional officer enouraged) (Pre-Registration required via Blugold Connect+ events.)
    • Request additional Blugold Connect+ assistnace if needed
    • Download the Blugold Connect+ app
    • Create your org events via your Blugold Connect + org portal (your org events are automatically uploaded to the Blugold Connect+ app)
    • Set concrete goals for the organization
    • Participate AND attend Homecoming events!
    • Ensure org On-Campus account or bank account is updated with current president, treasurer, and advisor (On-Campus account statement requests can be made to University Accounting. US Bank accounts require a request (at US Bank) for e-statements to be sent to account signatories.)
    • Watch for Student Org Bi-Weekly Newsletter via Blugold Connect+ (all officers receive direct email)

  • October

    • Request additional Blugold Connect+ assistance (if needed) (Tutorials available on the Help Site)
    • Keep advisor informed
    • Participate AND attend Homecoming events!
    • Hold meetings on a consistent basis
    • Watch for Student Org Bi-Weekly Newsletter via Blugold Connect+ (all officers receive direct email)

  • November & December

    • November 1st - Student Organization Segregated Fee funding applications open (via Blugold Connect+)
    • November 1st - Spring Blu's Organizations Bash even pre-registration opens (via Blugold Connect+)
    • Hold elections and begin officer transitions (if applicable)
    • Update Blugold Connect+ org portal information with updated officer information
    • Ensure org On-Campus account of bank account is updated with current president, treasurer and advisor.
      • On-Campus account statement requests can be made to University Accounting
      • US Bank Accounts require a request (at US Bank) for e-statements to be sent to account signatories.
    • Watch for Student Org Bi-Weekly Newsletter via Blugold Connect+ (all officers receive direct email)

  • January, February, & March

    • Student Org Segregated Fee Funding applications due
    • Participate in the Spring Blu's Organizations Bash event
    • Create new goals and evaluate old goals
    • Recruit new members
    • February & March - Student Org Segregated Fee Budget presentations
    • Watch for Student Org Bi-Weekly Newsletter via Blugold Connect+ (all officers receive direct email)

  • April & May

    • Hold elections and begin officer transitions (if applicable)
    • Update Blugold Connect+ org portal information with updated officer information
    • Ensure org On-Campus account of bank account is updated with current president, treasurer and advisor (On-Campus account statement requests can be made to University Accounting. US Bank accounts require a request (at US Bank) for e-statements to be sent to account signatories.)
    • Submit nominations for Student Organization Excellence Awards
    • Work on and complete annual goals
    • Recognize graduating organization members
    • Watch for Student Org Bi-Weekly Newsletter via Blugold Connect+ (all officers receive direct email)

  • June & July

    • Ensure any "current" Student Org Segregated Fee Funds are utilized before June 30th
    • Next Fiscal Year Student Org Segregated Fee funding awards available July 1st

Important 2024-2025 Dates & Events to Remember

All event registrations/applications are hosted in Blugold Connect+

  • Fall Semester Dates

    • AUGUST 15TH - Annual Student Organization Re-Registration process begins
    • SEPTEMBER 12TH - Fall BOB, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Campus Mall) (Rainsite - Ojibwe & Dakota Ballrooms)
    • SEPTEMBER 25TH - Student Org Leader "Nuts & Bolts" Training (mandatory for all org Presidents), 5p.m. - 7 p.m., Dakota Ballroom (Davies 340) (register via BC+)
    • OCTOBER 2ND - Blugold Connect+ Basics Student Org Training, 5 p.m. - 6 p.m., Virtual
    • OCTOBER 15TH - NEW - "ELEVATE - Student Organization Leadership Pathway Series" - SESSION 2 - Goal Setting & Team Dynamics, 7:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m., Centennial Rm 1916 (register via BC+)
    • NOVEMBER 1ST - Student Organization Segregated Fee funding applications open (via Blugold Connect+)
    • NOVEMBER 1ST - Spring Blu's Organizations Bash event pre-registration opens (via Blugold Connect+)
    • NOVEMBER 13TH  - NEW - "ELEVATE - Student Organization Leadership Pathway Series" - SESSION 3 - Communication (Barriers, Messaging, Listening), 7:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m., Centennial Rm 1916 (register via BC+)
    • DECEMBER 5TH - NEW - "ELEVATE - Student Organization Leadership Pathway Series" - SESSION 4 - Conflict Management & Navigating Difficult Conversations, 7:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m., Centennial Rm 1916 (register via BC+)
  • Spring Semester Dates

    • FEBRUARY 5TH - Spring BOB & Part-time Job Fair, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Ojibwe & Dakota Ballroom, 3rd Floor Davies Center)
    • FEBRUARY 9TH - Student Organizaiton Segregated Fee funding applications DUE
    • FEBRUARY 11TH - NEW - "ELEVATE - Student Organization Leadership Pathway Series" - Session 5 - Blugold Connect+ and your student org, student org resources, 7:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m., Centennial Rm 1916 (register via BC+)
    • FEBRUARY/MARCH - Student Organization Segregated Fee Budget presentation occur
    • MARCH 5TH - NEW - "ELEVATE - Student Organization Leadership Pathway Series" - Session 6 - Self-Care and Time Management, 7:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m., Centennial Rm 1916 (register via BC+)
    • APRIL 10TH - NEW - "ELEVATE - Student Organization Leadership Pathway Series" - Session 7 - Mentoring, Coaching, & Transition, 7:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m., Centennial Rm 1916 (register via BC+)
    • MAY 1ST - NEW - "ELEVATE - Student Organization Leadership Pathway Series" - SESSION 8 - Failure in Leadership & End-of-Year Reflection, 7:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m., Centennial Rm 1916 (register via BC+)
    • MAY 30TH - Ensure all Segregated Fee Funding allocations (from previous fiscal year) are spent
    • JULY 1ST - 2025-2026 F/Y funding awards available

Monthly Success Planner

Find the full monthly success planner organized into an easy to read document here!