Jr Phillips
IFC Recruitment and Marketing Chair
Joe Garry
IFC Scholarship and Education Chair
Sam Jorgensen
IFC Service and Philanthropy Chair
Daemen Bieniewski
IFC Recruitment and Marketing Chair
Sylus Stellrecht
Interfraternity Council President
Evan Fisher
IFC Recruitment and Marketing Chair
Pete West
IFC Finance and Secretary Chair
Logan Sances
IFC Social Chair
Nolan Snyder
Delta Tau Delta Chapter President
Rileigh Rein
Order of Omega President
Leecy Cullen
PHC Recruitment and Marketing Chair
Ava Northamer
PHC Greek Pillars Chair
Sarah Schrauth
Panhellenic Council President
Kip Murray
Delta Sigma Phi Chapter President
Emily Mills
Alpha Xi Delta Chapter President
Lauren Elmergreen
Sigma Sigma Sigma Chapter President