



Chapter Information Report

Please complete this semesterly to provide basic chapter information and updates.

Grade Release 
Permission Form

Every new member must complete this form in order to receive chapter grade information.


Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement form required for all new sorority members.

Our Team

Katy Rand Profile

Katy Rand

Greek Advisor
Collin Lay Profile

Collin Lay

Jr Phillips Profile

Jr Phillips

IFC Recruitment and Marketing Chair
Joe Garry Profile

Joe Garry

IFC Scholarship and Education Chair
Sam Jorgensen Profile

Sam Jorgensen

IFC Service and Philanthropy Chair
Daemen Bieniewski Profile

Daemen Bieniewski

IFC Recruitment and Marketing Chair
Sylus Stellrecht Profile

Sylus Stellrecht

Interfraternity Council President
Evan Fisher Profile

Evan Fisher

IFC Recruitment and Marketing Chair
Pete West Profile

Pete West

IFC Finance and Secretary Chair
Logan Sances Profile

Logan Sances

IFC Social Chair
Nolan Snyder Profile

Nolan Snyder

Delta Tau Delta Chapter President
Rileigh Rein Profile

Rileigh Rein

Order of Omega President
Leecy Cullen Profile

Leecy Cullen

PHC Recruitment and Marketing Chair
Ava Northamer Profile

Ava Northamer

PHC Greek Pillars Chair
Sarah Schrauth Profile

Sarah Schrauth

Panhellenic Council President
Kip Murray Profile

Kip Murray

Delta Sigma Phi Chapter President
Emily Mills Profile

Emily Mills

Alpha Xi Delta Chapter President
Lauren Elmergreen Profile

Lauren Elmergreen

Sigma Sigma Sigma Chapter President