Intergovernmental Affairs Commission (IGA)

A Student Senate Commission


About IGA

The Intergovernmental Affairs commission works with members of other legislative bodies of the UW system, the city of Eau Claire, and the state of Wisconsin to represent the UW-Eau Claire student body. It may take positions on national, state, and local laws that affect students at UW-Eau Claire, and advocate on behalf of students to advance the quality of their place in the community. The commission continuously informs and educates students about the electoral and legislative processes that affect them, and facilitate voter registration and "Get Out the Vote" efforts. Members of IGA regularly attend neighborhood association and Eau Claire City Council meetings.

Members Benefits

Connect with faculty and students here at UW-Eau Claire. Advocate for your peers in local, state, and federal government.

Events & Activities

Be the first to know about what we have planned and add our group calendar to your schedule.

Keep up With us

Read up on our minutes


Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Brenna Strojinc Profile

Brenna Strojinc

Ally Etzler Profile

Ally Etzler

IGA Intern


Intergovernmental Affairs Commission (IGA) - Student Senate

105 Garfield Avenue
Eau Claire Wisconsin 54702-4004
United States